Dean’s Award 2024

Dr. Rajib Saha was named the recipient of the 2024 Dean’s Award for Excellence in Graduate Education

Wheaton Professorship

Group alum Dr. Wheaton L. Schroeder accepted a tenure-track Assistant Professorship in the Voiland School of Chemical Engineering and Bioengineering at Washington State University

Lohani 3 in 5

Graduate student Lohani Esterhuizen secured first place in 3 in 5 Pitch category at the 5th annual COE Graduate Symposium

Corn Stress News

Graduate student Niaz Bahar Chowdhury and Dr. Rajib Saha are now featured in Nebraska Today for their recent work on understanding maize temperature stress response using the largest multi-organ maize metabolic model, iZMA6517


Graduate student Dianna Morris received LanzaTech Poster Award at Central US Synthetic Biology Workshop 2022

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Twitter Feed

It’s a wrap #ISPL2024! Thanks @ecahoon2, Ruth Welti & @KentChapman12 for organizing this meeting & giving me & @UNLincoln @NebEngineering’s Abraham Osinuga chances to present our @NSF & @NIGMS
funded collaborative work! Really enjoyed this meeting & discussions with colleagues!


What a #commencement address by @rogerfederer: 1) Effortless is a myth; 2) It is only a point; 3) Life is bigger than the court. Even as one of the best ever, he won about 80% matches & only 55% of the points from 1251 matches! #learn from your #losses

Over this summer, we are hosting two REU students, Thomas from @UNLincoln @NebEngineering @UNL_ChemEng & Prince from @IowaStateU @ISU_CoE @ISU_ME at our @SSbio_UNL Lab! They will work on the @NSF funded work #synthetic cuticle.


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The SSBio lab is currently seeking one postdoc. Please refer to the opportunities tab for more details.

Andrea NSF Award

Undergraduate student Andrea Goertzen won the NSF Graduate Research Fellowships Program. Congratulations!

Travel Fellowhip

Graduate students Niaz Bahar Chowdhury, Mark Kathol, and Dianna Morris received School of Graduate Study Travel Fellowship. Congratulations!

Niaz Bhai Award

Congrats to graduate student Niaz Bahar Chowdhury for being a 2022 recipient of the Milton E. Mohr Biotechnology award for academic excellence and the likelihood to succeed in this field!

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Research Presentation

Dissertation defense of Mohammad Mazharul Islam

Dissertation Defense of Wheaton L. Schroeder

Introducing the ORKA to dFBA

EuGeneCiD: Toward an Optimization-Based Tool for Synthetic Biology Design

35c: An integrated study of Staphylococcus aureus metabolism

R. palustris Lignin Catabolism and PHBV Production_AIChE 2020

620h: Introducing an Optimization- and Explicit Runge-Kutta- Based Approach (ORKA) to dFBA

613c: Predicting Enzyme Kinetics and Regulation from dFBA through KOPTIC

3gt: Toward Interventions Aiding the Future Viability of Important Crops through Systems Biology

338a: OptFill: A Tool for Infeasible Cycle-Free Gapfilling of Stoichiometric Metabolic Models

118e: Computation-Driven Analysis of Model Polyextremotolerant Fungus Exophiala dermatitidis