

Kyle Buchanan

Bioenergy REU student Summer 2017 Email: kbuchanan22@gmail.comResearch: Developing a genome-scale metabolic model for Actinobacillus succinogenes for maximzing the production of succinic acid.

Eva Wills

High School Research Assistant Young Nebraska Science ProgramSeniorLincoln High SchoolEmail: Developing a model of the metabolic system of maize.

Remi Christensen

High School Research Assistant Young Nebraska Science ProgramSeniorSeward High SchoolEmail: Developing a model of the metabolic system of the shoot of maize.

Ali Keshk

Lincoln Southwest High School  Email: I am currently attending Lincoln Southwest High School. I plan to go to UNL and complete a bachelor’s degree in software engineering. I’m going to try to get into the Raikes School when I apply, as…

Bree Brunsman

Senior, Lincoln East High School   My current education plans involve studying either biology or computer science in college, likely at either Hastings or UNO. In the future I’d like to study animals or ecology for a living, or an undecided…

Kareem Keshk

Senior, Lincoln Southwest High School                                                                        …

Dianna Morris (previously Long)

Graduate Research Assistant and PhD candidateComplex BiosystemsUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnOffice: 209.1 Othmer Hall, UNL City Campus Email: Using synthetic biology methods to increase succinic acid production by Actinobacillus succinogenes. Constructing a metabolic model, using synthetic biology tools, and performing metabolic engineering for…

Andrea Goertzen

Undergraduate Research AssistantFreshmen, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnEmail: Developing a genome-scale metabolic model for the human pancreas.

Dylan Hoppner

Undergraduate Research AssistantSophomore, Department of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringUniversity of Nebraska-Lincoln Engineering Rhodopseudomonas palustris to convert lignin breakdown products, light, and carbon dioxide into biodegradable plastic.

Niaz Bahar Chowdhury

Graduate Research Assistant Department of Chemical and Biomolecular EngineeringUniversity of Nebraska-LincolnEmail: About Me: I am a PhD student in the Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering department at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL). Earlier, I earned my bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering from Bangladesh University…